Published on November 10, 2016


I was a Forestry Technician in AB & BC for several years working in Forestry Compliance Management, Safety & Fire Control. (I spent many years fighting forest fires on a first response team in the Lac La Biche forest long before the rest of the world knew where Lac La Biche AB was)

For 3 years I developed and ran 1-3 day production training courses for bakers, store managers in the food industry.

Since 2006 I have been working in Sales, Marketing, Networking and new business development in the Insurance & Financial industry.

I have also been coaching horses and their humans for over 20 years. My area of speciality is working with woman in their 40’s – 60’s who need help overcoming fear, developing new skills, and learning how to “read” and understand behaviors

I can tell you I have lived and seen A LOT of things that most people never will.

So what does – Insurance, Sales, Forest Fires, Donuts, Horses, corporate business, sports and dealing with people all have in common? ‘RISK & the ability to read situations’. I became very good at both.


I have been invited on serval occasions to speak at the University of Guelph, Kemptville College along with private clubs & events on the topic of ‘Risk Management”

 Now I bring my experience into the business world

 My elderly neighbour said to me once ‘Kim – you’ve been to where angels fear to tread’ I told her that the best stories leave you with a few scorched feathers.   So, that’s me in a nut shell. I’m a story teller.

 Here is another ‘truth’ – Horses and people both have personalities.

  Some horses will kick you because they are bullies – other horses kick you because they are scared to death.  Sometimes a nice horse will kick you because you put him into a learning situation that he does not know how to deal with.

The business world is kind of the same – Most people have no idea why they keep getting “kicked”.

I found the most important skills I could teach people was how to ‘read’ risk, understand their own situations and show them how to develop strategies to interrupt the behavior.

Next to Horses – my greatest teacher was Napolian Hill. I have blended much of his wisdom into my coaching & my personal life. I believe in the Law of Attraction, Out Witting the Devil, and mastering the habit of drifting in order to be successful.

My coaching model is based on helping people who are at a cross road in their life. They are looking for that next “something” in their life but they may not be sure what it is they are looking for or how to get it. The big question I ask people is ‘What Do You Want’. Sounds like a simple question – but it really is not. What do you WANT?

Are you at a cross roads in your life?  Or are you looking to grow a business?  Consider attending one of my ‘Introduction to Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind session’ and bring a friend!  If you like the concept & the energy – you can register for the series

 “Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind Series”

 No matter what your personal goal is – no one person can do it alone.  You need to attract people into your life who will move you forward towards that dream.

The Ottawa woman’s Mastermind 6 week series is a way to attract key people into your life, learn from each other by using THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, POSITIVE ATTITUDE and IMAGINATION to reach your next goal.

This group is a bit unique in what my vision is. The group is not a place to sell your products or advertise yourself to find clients. I am not looking for coaches – I am looking for students.  It is a 6 part series that meets every 2nd Thursday for 12 weeks.  This is NOT A NETWORKING GROUP

The actual 6 part series is a closed series and limited to only 10 woman.  You must attend the ‘Introduction to Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind’ in order to register for the series.

Please email me for information on when the next Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind session will be starting.

  • If you liked learning about ‘Law of Success Coaching’ and the ‘Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind series please ‘ Tell a Friend’, hit ‘like‘ and ‘share‘ this post.  

Kimberly Pringle – Law of Success Coach & Associate Financial Advisor

Introduction to “Law of Success Coaching”

Habits and Financial Literacy – dispelling the myth


Kimberly Pringle – Associate Financial Advisor & Law of Success Mastermind Coach

We have all heard this “Successful People are successful because of their good habits.” This is not a news flash. We hear it all the time


Everyone tells you that good Habits lead to peace of mind, health and financial security. You are where you are because of your established good habits and thoughts and deeds.

  •  Well guess what – You are most likely where you are in life because of your bad habits.

Financial education might have some positive effects on financial outcomes, but they are modest at best.  People are simply not very good at exercising self-restraint. For example why do so many of us eat fast food breakfast in our cars on the way to work or go out for lunch?  Lack of self-discipline.  Going to bed late, not getting up early enough to make a lunch – grabbing coffee on the go.  Habits.

As an Associate Financial Advisor & Coach my experience working with clients is that people need to address their bad habits.

  • Your bad habits maybe getting in the way of you success. 

Financial literacy education alone is not going to save you – you have to change your habits.

As many of you know I am an Associate Financial Advisor with the Co Operators Insurance here in Ottawa. I am also a Coach & have developed a successful 6 week coaching series for woman called “Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind” . In this 6 week self-discovery journey that asks the question ‘What do you want’ we look at the things that are getting in peoples way of their success. This course provides a different way of looking at things.   Success means different things to different person – but everyone who takes this journey recognizes that having financial security is key.

Knowing the path to your personal success is different than walking that path. Walking the talk is hard.

  • If you are ready to start walking your path to success I would like to hear from you.



Kim's poster

New ‘Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind’ series starting in January 2017. Join Ottawa Woman’s Mastermind on meet up






